27 January 2009

COMPLETE=Enough is Enough!!

ahd lepas = 18 hb,aku n family g ceramah psl palestin kat bangsar,ramai org~!!ramai speaker,tp kitorg g smpai tgari je cz mak aku ade klas mlm,overall mmg best,kat bwh ni ade 2 gmbr speaker,yg lain xsmpt d ambil gmbrnye kerna ade session yg lame n ade session yg kejap je.antara speaker die,dr musa,dr chandra,mahathir,n bla bla bla,aku xtahu..

overall aku rase mahathir punye speech pling best even aku xsuke die en,tp kali ni die berani mati punyela ckp,cz program ni smpai media pon dtg tok rakam sume..tv3,rtm,ape tah lg...huhu. aku ingat lg,dia(beliau?xnakla gune)ade borak2 ngan org texas,die kate,y don't u give texas 2 israel 4 the israelians?pergh,mamat 2 xjwb n tdiam,tkelu n sumela...hah,mcm tula perasaan palestinians.n die brani mati lg ckp ape kate israel amik australia jd negara dorg...huhu,kalo org australia dgr ni,mampoih hang..

pastu de r cutiest ni,comey!!name die Umar Mukhsin,6 bulan...huhu,smpt agy curi dgr mamat dpn borak dgn ayah umar ni..de gmbr die kat bwh ni..o ya,shiela majid pon de gak,die dtg 2 show her concern to the palestinians,rupenye minah ni kecik jeh..huhu,tp tade gmbr die la cz mls nk amik dr hp mak aku..

dis is not about da religion,dis is about da humanity,dlm prog ni de gak chinese n indians yg dtg..

dr chandra

Kesibukan tyme mahathir dtg


complete(xingatlah stand 4 wat)

pamplete yg menyayat hati

media juga

cutiest(mcm palestinian kan?)

please do vote!

mahathir's speech

they act like the palestinians children yg suffered d sana

enjoy dis video

lirik yg bagus

maaf kerana getaran teruk d akhir video,kerna tgn da lenguh

ni pon thp pling tggi punye zoom kerna mls ke dpn..