18 June 2008

-->CFS of IIUM song<--

let us come along n get 2gether,
affirm our faith in God n the Messenger,
lite da flame of love in Him,warm n brighter,
hold da rope n trust in Him 4ever.

divided we(we'll)fall,united we stand,
unity bears da fruits of unification,
triple I.C.E's ever our mission,
excellence in all we do is our vission.

we r da torchbearers for da ummah,
guided by da Quran n Sunnah,
Foundation Centre Of IIUM,
da gate of garden knowledge n virtue.

divided we(we'll)fall,united we stand,
unity bears da fruits of unification,
triple I.C.E's ever our mission,
excellence in all we do is our vission.