funny incident :)
xtau la korang rasa lucu ke x,but to me incident ni kelakar,aku boleh tegelak sorang2 ingat kan incident td,aku biarkan laptop tbukak sambil fb pon tbukak,naim(anak buah aku) tgok video ORANG LIDI TERPERANGKAP DLM FON,pastu aku biar jela dia tgok,then,aku da buat keje jap,tgokla fb,ade notification,pastu tgok munzir comment at his video,adoi,dalam hati da rase ade xkena,adela tu org kacau laptop aku,bukak2,tgok naim komen ape?bawah ni-->
pastu munzir jawab dgn petanyaan balik,haha!tgelak gila time aku bace,mesti dia blurr tibe2 aku comment thomas
pastu aku pun explainla wat happened and who is thomas.. :)
thomas is actually a cartoon story at playhouse disney channel,THOMAS TRAIN :) name story tuu..
nila thomas nya :) heeee