01 January 2011

tagged : 100 truths

1. Real name: Nadhirah Borhanuddin
2. Nickname(s): naya
3. Zodiac Sign: virgo
4. Male or Female: Girl
5. Elementary School: Tadika An-Nur
6. High School: Sekolah Menengah Islam Al-Amin Bangi, SMK Jalan Reko
7. College: IIUM,Gombak
8. Hair color: blonde
9. Tall or short : not tall n not short
10. TV or XBOX : tv :)
11. Sweats or Jeans: slack boleh?
12. Phone or Camera: phone :)
13. Health Freak: sikit2
14. Orange or Apple: apple apa yg pink2 tu
15. Do you have a crush on someone: yup :) intel,haha!
16. Eat or Drink: kalau mkn kena minum
17. Piercings: ya!
18. Pepsi or Coke: xsuka air gas


19. Been in an airplane: yes
20. Been in a relationship: yes
21. Been in a car accident: yes,telinga hilang
22. Been in prison: gilo!


23. First piercing: .....
24. First best friend: xingat?peah?or kausar?
25. First award: award apa?
26. First crush: ntah,bnyk je crush ;p
27. First word: ma(time baby,haha,tah btol tah x.)
28. First kiss : kiss tgn mama baba sejak kecik


29. Last person you talked to in person: ma,cite psl csi kat tv
30. Last person you texted: xingat
31. Last person you watched a movie with: da girls
32. Last food you ate : spaghetti mama
33. Last movie you watched : rapunzel
34. Last song you listened to: tah la weiii
35. Last thing you bought: selipar kat vincii
36. Last person you hugged: ????


37. Food: semua suka :)
38. Drink: air buah MARIGOLD :)
39. Skirts or dress : dua2 x.
40. Flower: lily
41. Animal: horse
42. Colours: bluee
43. Movies: action n love
44. Subjects: account!!


(Put an X in the brackets if yes )
45. [X] fell in love with someone
46. [ ] celebrated Halloween
47. [X] had your heart broken.
48. [ ] went over the minutes/texts on your cell phone.
49. [ ] had someone question my sexual orientation.
50. [X] copy friends' answers in exam.
51. [ ] got pregnant.
52. [ ] had an abortion.
53. [X] did something I regret.
54. [X] broke a promise.
55. [X] hide a secret.
56. [X] pretended to be happy.
57. [ ] met someone who changed your life.
58. [X] pretended to be sick
59. [X] left the country.
60. [X] tried something you normally wouldn't try and liked it. (not in a wrong way.)
61. [X] cried over the silliest thing.
62. [ ] ran a mile.
63. [X] went to the beach with your best friend.
64. [X] kick someone's leg
65. [X] hated someone.
66. [X] stayed single for 2 years


67. Eating: TIDAK
68. Drinking: tidak
69. Listening: csi kat tv
70. Sitting/Laying: sitting
71. Plans for today: nak study bf n kemas bilik!!
72. Waiting: to go ut!!haha,padal nak kena study,hampeh!


73. Want kids? ofcourselah!
74. Want to get married? yes :D
75. Career: ACCOUNTANT,LECTURER,TEACHER O maybe housewife saje :0
76. Lips or Eyes: eyes,besyukur dpt melihat walupun rabun yg dsebabkan dr sendiri
77. Shorter or Taller: tinngi sikit boleh?
78. Romantic or Spontaneous : dua2!!
79. Cook for wife / husband: mestilah,nak ikat hati suami kan melalui perutnya?
80. House: xbesar2 pun xpe,janji beli sendiri dan kemas dan simple dan xbnyk brg.
81. In relationship with: ntahlaa
82. Looks or personality: personality


83. Lost glasses/contacts: yes
84. Stay up for 24 hours: yes
85. Watching cartoon: yes
86. Killed somebody: mestilah tidak!
87. Broken someone's heart: ye kot
88. Been in love: yes
89. Cried when someone died: yes


90. Yourself: kadang2
91. Miracles: kadang2
92. Love at first sight: yes
93. Heaven: yes
94. Santa Claus: benda ni plaing aku xpercaya!
95. First date : maksudnya?
96. Kiss on the first date: perlu ke?


97. Is there one person you want to be with right now: family :)
98. Do you know who your real friends are: yes
99. Do you believe in ALLAH: yes
100. Post as 100 truths? tagged